Friday, August 29, 2014

There Is A Time For Everything 

A time to cook, a time to clean
A time to sit, a time to lean
A time for playing with the dog
A time to sleep like a forest's log
A time to read that newest book
A time to sweep in every nook
A time to hear, a time to talk
A time for slow mountainous walk
A time for joy in each sunrise
A time for tears - no prying eyes
A time to stare up at the stars
A time to heal from all the scars
A time to question everything
A time to accept what life brings
A time to spew out all those words
A time for those thoughts to be heard
A time to sew, a time to craft
A time to rewrite that first draft
A time to cuddle and hold hands
A time alone, this I demand
A time of worship and of praise
A time of prayer throughout each day
A time to reflect and review
A time to wipe the slate anew
A time to regret and release
A time to forgive and have peace
A time to dream, a time to dance
A time for recovery, perchance
A time for each season of life
A time to let go of all strife
A time to grasp each day with glee
A time to savor all I see

For I am not promised another day
No, I'm not promised another day...

copyright Linda Whitehead Humbert 8/29/2014

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