Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Bradford pear and redbud trees
Just beginning to bloom. 
Light breezes and sunshine - 
Screen doors to let air flow through. 

Birds chirping merrily - 
Singing a song for all.
Daffodils lift their heads
To the season's powerful call.

Hammocks strung and set in place,
Firepits shoveled and cleared, 
Freshly manicured lawns - 
Those are the sounds that I hear.

Newly cultivated earth
Prepared for sowing time.
Tomatoes and veggies - ready!
To plant them by the signs.

A pedicure with bright polish, 
Capris and shirts with short-sleeves, 
Add toe rings and flip-flops - 
This is what Spring means to me!

Linda Whitehead Humbert
4/1/2014 copyright


  1. A lovely taste of spring Linda! ☺ Wish it would hurry up and get here.
    Congrats on the new blog!
    The Doglady's Den

    1. Thanks so much Debbie! I am going to continue tweaking the layout! It's been a balmy 80 degrees today and yesterday. After the storms, it'll go back to the low 60's, but I'll bet that you would welcome that.
