I would like to introduce to you, Uvi Poznansky's book "A Favorite Son".

A work of historical fiction based on the story of Esau (Esav) and Jacob (Yankle) in the Old Testament, Ms. Poznansky gives a new twist to an old tale. She portrays Esav as someone easily duped, and Yankle as the trickster - the cunning man that the Bible calls him in the beginning. The story, of course is about the birthright, something to be had, to be envied, in a family during those long-ago times. With each piece of historical fiction, Uvi gives me as a reader, and one who has studied the Holy Scriptures, a feast to chew slowly, to savor, to bring to the light and see something that's often put to the side and glossed over. As other books that I have reviewed of this author's, I would wholeheartedly recommend this book with no reservations. If you are easily offended by the light the author casts on these Biblical heroes, then don't read this book. If you recognize that these heroes from the Bible are flawed, sinful people as we all are, then by all means, read!!!
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